Once on the grounds on this gorgeous spring day we were swept up into the enthusiasm of a crowd relishing the weather after an historic cold winter. Folks of all ages, food of every variety lining the paths, a garden of tulips in every color imaginable; we almost forgot to look for our beloved recycling containers.

So what happened to the recycling stations?
This is not an official statement from the event or the city of Albany, but, apparently there is a growing concern over security. After the Boston Marathon bombings, the concealed nature of recycling bins can provide an opportunity for a maleficent act. Anecdotally, this may explain a police presence stationed right where the only 2 recycling stations in the park were. I went back to the bins to interview an officer and ask him if security influenced their position in the park next to these bins. He had no idea what I was talking about and when I explained he joked that perhaps his team ought to find a safer distance.
Considering our trip to the Albany Tulip Festival was intended to film an attractive video case study, it turned out to be more like investigative journalism. Removing the recycling stations and replacing them with transparent trash receptacles as an extra security precaution was probably not intended to be any sort of newsworthy event but rather a responsible safety measure. When it comes to Public Space Recycling top of the list of challenges has always been funding and public education. Public Space Recycling best practices hadn't included methods in the prevention on random acts of violence, but now we know! Perforated recycling containers with domed lids and clear bags co-located with matching trash cans may take over as a best practice in public space recycling. It reveals the complicated times we live in that we must protect the public and find ways to make progress in protecting the environment at the same time.